Featured article from November's Spirit of Medjugorje


By June Klins

     A few months ago, I found a little gem of a book in the “free stuff” outside our Adoration chapel. The little book is a book of Carmelite meditations. It has no copyright, but it does have a Nihil Obstat and an Imprimatur from 1965. As I glanced through the meditation titles, one in particular caught my attention. It was entitled “Praying Backwards.” As soon as I read it, I knew it was too good to keep to myself. At the top of the page is a quote by the Carmelite Saint, St. Therese: “We can never have too much confidence in the good God; He is so mighty and so merciful; as we hope in Him, so shall we receive.” Then it read:

Statue of St. Therese at the “castle” in MedjugorjeStatue of St. Therese at the “castle” in Medjugorje

     “There is no such thing as time in God’s sight. Time is only for us to use as a path to eternity. For God there is no past or future; all persons and events are before His eyes this present moment and every moment. Christ, as we know, was comforted by our love and reparation as well as grieved by our sins during His Passion. This thought should be a great consolation to us, especially when we are worried about the salvation of a loved one. Was that soul prepared for death?…Did I pray enough?…Did I sacrifice enough?…If only I had done more, we say to ourselves anxiously over and over again. Instead of grieving as one who has no hope, we should realize that there is still time to pray, and will be time as long as we live.
     “Let us trust then in God’s eternal mercy, and pray and sacrifice as though that loved one were still on earth. No matter how great our love for that soul, God’s love is infinitely greater. He sees our tears, He hears our prayers, and He will judge with a just but loving judgment.”
     How very comforting it is to know this. Recently, I have known of a number of people who have died unexpectedly of a heart attack. They had no chance to receive the Last Sacraments. How comforting to know we can still pray for their eternal salvation.

19 Reviews. All 5 Stars!

I Have Come to Tell the World that God Exists

Review by WV Gal

Thank you June for this Masterpiece!

Thank you June, you have rekindled, in my heart, the fire for Our lady's messages so much after reading this book that I am working out the details to start a Prayer Group devoted to spreading/sharing and living Our Lady's messages! I started with this lovely book and I am now reading the rest of your books!! Thank you so much and God bless you!!!

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